NOVEMBER 3, 1861


The Plain Duty of Patriots and Taxpayers at the Approaching Election

The several political parties, organizations, cliques, clubs and combinations of this city have finally placed their candidates for the offices to be filled at the election on Tuesday next before the people, and are now busy endeavoring to secure their endorsement at the polls. Such a confused, irregular and mixed up mess was never before presented to the public. Tammany Hall is the only party that has made county and judicial nominations distinctly from the ranks of its own party; all the rest are crossed, dovetailed and twisted in together. Each, however, has a separate candidate nominated for one or more offices, on whom they intend to test the strength of their party.

The county, judicial and legislative tickets are, as usual, made up with all sorts of materials—good, bad and indifferent. There are members of the Forty Thieves Common Council, Bull Run Mutineers, Broadway Railroad Patriots, Japanese philosophers, Hackley contract speculators, gamblers, shoulder hitters, and numerous other noted characters. These philosophers are not to be found exclusively on any one ticket, but are scattered through nearly all of them. Every ticket has good and worthy men upon it; but with one or two exceptions they are either led by some of the above named philosophers or have them attached to the tail of their ticket, under the expectation that the honest men will carry them through; and in this respect some of the organizations that have made the greatest bluster about their virtue and principles have the largest number of these philosophers in nomination.

In all this confused mass there is one fact that the public at large can congratulate themselves upon, and if they will only take advantage of the opportune moment that now presents itself they can inaugurate a new era in the government of this misgoverned and tax-ridden city. We refer to the fact—to which this mingling of nominations by the different parties bears conclusive evidence—that the party lines are broken, and that party obligation are no longer binding, even upon the greatest sticklers for party regularity. There is not a candidate before the people in this city who does not make every effort in his power to convince the public that he is an ardent supporter of the administration in the prosecution of the war to suppress this rebellion. In view of these facts, what is the duty of the public on Tuesday next? To us it is a plain one, and we believe we state in this matter the honest sentiments of ninety-nine-hundredths of the honest voters of the city. To every voter, then, we would say scrutinize carefully every name that you deposit in the ballot box; see to it that no candidate, under the plea that he is a stronger Union man than his opponent, deludes you into voting for a man that has been mixed up in any corrupt scheme, either at the City Hall or Albany, or in any way proved recreant to his former trusts. Let all of those philosophers who have disgraced the city receive a decided rebuke by the verdict on Tuesday.

The Union cry will be raised the loudest by some of the very worst men, for the purpose of hiding their former misdeeds, in hopes thereby of again sliding in to position. If the public wish honest representatives, then let them scratch every name, whatever may be the pretensions of the man, who has made himself notorious either as one of the Forty Thieves Common Council, Japanese philosophers, Hackley contractors, Broadway legislators, betrayed his trusts in judicial or legal positions, or turned his back upon the enemy on the battle field. The demoralization of parties, the breaking up of all party lines, has placed in the hands of the honest masses the defeat of all such and the election of good men. Let the power be used, and that thoroughly. The public have it in their power to give the finishing blow to all these philosophers and conspirators. Let, then, the blow be struck on Tuesday next, and in a way that will show that time has not obliterated their record, or let us hear no more about corrupt officials and enormous taxes.

Arrival of General Scott at Harrisburg--Enthusiastic Greeting by the People

Harrisburg, Pa, Nov. 2, 1861--General Scott, accompanied by his staff, the Secretary of War, and others, including several ladies, arrived from Washington at ten o'clock this morning.  The whole party, with the exception of General Scott, whose infirmities prevented it, were immediately drove into the residence of Donald Cameron, son of Simon Cameron, General Scott remaining, meanwhile, in the car.  Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, an immense crowd gathered around to catch a glimpse of the old hero.  In order to gratify the three a city of the people, the General stepped up on the platform, when he was greeted with most enthusiastic cheers.  A few were fortunate enough to get a shake of his hand.  The party started for New York, via Reading and Easton, at one o'clock P.M.


Senatorial War Screechers--Senators Wade, Wilkinson, Trumbull and Chandler have appointed themselves, apparently, a committee of four to intermeddle with the affairs of the War Department and the duties of General McClellan, for the purpose of goading the federal armies onto another Bull Run disaster.  We have no doubt that are patriotic President will effectually rebuke these war screechers, who had better be at home attending to their own business, or, if they desire to fight, shouldering muskets in the ranks, where abundant opportunity will be given them of aiding in putting down the rebellion.


The False Prophets of the Day--It is stated in that mischievous anti-slavery organ, the Tribune, that Brownlow, Beecher and Cheever are veritable prophets, equal, in fact, to the prophets of the Old Testament.  There were two kinds of prophets, however, of which Holy Writ makes mention, and it is clear that the pets of Massa Greeley are among the false ones, those profits of Baal, whom good conservative Jewish rulers were accustomed to make very short workout.  They predicted, a year ago, that peace would result to the country from their abolition of nostrums, but behold we are now in the midst of a desolate and inexpensive civil war, which owes its origin to their pernicious and pestiferous teachings.  Nevertheless they are permitted to prophesy on, and there's no telling what evils may yet grow out of their false and fanatical howlings.


Fatal Accident to a Somnambulist1—Frederick A. Lackwood, a young man about nineteen years old, employed as a clerk in the store [at] No. 6 Malden lane, was accidentally killed yesterday morning by falling from his bedroom window, at No. 75 Amity street. Deceased, it appeared, was a somnambulist, and while wandering about his bedroom he accidentally fell out of the window and was almost instantly killed. Coroner Jackman held an inquest upon the body


NOVEMBER 4, 1861



At an early hour on Saturday night, the wind began to “pipe up” from the Northeast, and the gale increased until morning. At about midnight the wind suddenly changed to the Southeast, accompanied with heavy rain, and about eight o’clock, A.M., Sunday, the storm reached its height, and the wind blew with terrific violence. From that hour until 12 o’clock, M., no abatement in the storm was perceptible. The tide rose to a height almost unprecedented, and the waves rose over the wharves, sweeping everything not securely fastened, into the docks. The scene upon the wharves was sublime and terrible. The tempest filled the air with a wild, angry, shrieking sound, that made the hearer tremble, even though he felt the firm earth under his feet. The waves were lashed into fury by the wind, and they came, foaming and leaping, dashing furiously against all impediments; they seemed together anger as they came, and when they struck the ends of the piers and rushed up the docks, they roared like living monsters, springing on their prey.

We stood upon the deck of the Montreal, and attempted to get a view of the sea, but the wind swept with such irresistible force, that it was impossible to face it, and at the same time keep the eyes open; the rain drove horizontally, and, as it struck the face, felt like hail; it was difficult to realize the fact that the sharp, cutting particles, which made the face tingle, were comprised of nothing but water. The wind and waves revelled about the breakwater and swept with terrible force against the wharves, gathering strength in their advance. As the tide rose and the peril increased, the excitement arose, and fears were entertained for the safety of the shipping and of the weaker buildings on the wharves, and it was a most fearful sight to see the slow, but certain swelling of the flood, as it arose like fate, and covered landmark after landmark. It was a sublime and terrible sight, one long to be remembered by those who witnessed it; all the elements of interest were combined: wind, waves and sky, helped to make up the picture; the wind howled and shrieked through the rigging of the vessels at the wharves, and through every crevice that was open to them; the waves, gathering power as they advanced, sprung madly against the piers, and, breaking, dashed their spray over them, or spouted angrily through every crevice; the sky, of a cold grey color, looked wild and threatening, giving no sign of hope, holding no bow of promise2 in its keeping. The winds, the waves, the sky, made up a picture of wild and terrible sublimity, well worth the seeing, even at the price of a thorough drenching and other discomforts “too numerous to mention.”

The direction of the wind caused an unusual height of tide; the highest known in this city for more than thirty years. Nearly every wharf was completely submerged, and the damage done was considerable, a part of which was to the track of the Grand Trunk Railway. From the Depot around Fish Point to the Bridge, the shore track was badly washed and broken. The main track, however, suffered less. In a few places it was broken, but a large force of men was put to work, ad the trains will run as usual to-day.

All the bridges except the Railroad Bridge suffered more or less. About five hundred feet of the top of Tukey’s, from each abutment to the draw, was carried off, with some of the stringers and other timbers, and it is reported that Martin’s point Bridge across the Presumpscot is entirely demolished. The Portland Bridge was for a long time completely submerged, but the damage done to it was inconsiderable. The southerly end of Vaughan’s was so badly washed as to be utterly impassable. The damage done to Deering’s, was the washing away of a portion of the gravel road bed at the westerly end, rendering it impassable for carriages, and the railing.

The made land known as the “Dump,” and the buildings thereon on the west side of the city, suffered in common with other low land. The water stood to a depth of three feet over the track of the Kennebec & Portland Railroad, and no doubt it will be found much damaged. Kennebec street, in process of building, was also badly washed. Lumber, wood and other loose articles were floating around lively. The cellars of almost all the houses in that section were filled, and the depth of water in the streets, obliged some to leave their houses on rafts.

The marine disasters, fortunately, were few. One schooner, whose name we could not learn, parted from her moorings in the stream, and drifted against the end of Long Wharf. She was stove in and partly sunk. It was reported at one time that the steamer Forest City was being badly injured; but such did not appear to be the fact. The crew of the Montreal, which had previously got up steam, was put on board her, and she

was hauled into the middle of the dock, and safely fastened, where she rode out the gale. Her mate, the Montreal, at the end of Atlantic Wharf, was saved from harm by great exertions. Capt. Willard’s pilot boat, Nellie, was sunk at her moorings by being drifted foul of by the fishing schooner, Echo, and quite a number of pleasure yachts were stove and sunk in the different docks. The vessels in the stream—and there was a large number of them—safely rode at anchor, excepting the one mentioned above. The ship L. Baker, from Antwerp, and the barque S. W. Holbrook, from Glasgow, fortunately arrived at a late hour on Saturday night, and safely anchored in the stream.

Custom House, Long and Union Wharves came in for a share of the effects of the storm.  A large piece of the first name was entirely washed out, and that sheds on it or more or less injured.  The Messrs. Lewis, packers of hermetically sealed meats, &c., suffered considerable loss.  The building occupied as a slip and office by the Ferry Company was completely gutted--the whole structure of the lower story being blown out and scattered around the wharf, and the floor dropped into the dock, leaving the upper story whole.  A large pile of perhaps 800 tons of coal was strewn the entire width of the wharf.

Long Wharf suffer the most of any.  The timber cob-work of the lower and was wrenched implied in a shocking manner, and considerable damage by washing was done to other portions.

One hundred feet of shed, the center part of a long range of store shares on Union Wharf was blown down.  It was filled with merchandise, but little of that was lost.  Considerable earth was washed out from the lower part of the wharf.  It will cost $500 to repair the damage.  The planking of the lower part of Brown's Wharf, and of the P. S. & P. R.R. Wharf is lifted, and some of the earth of the latter was washed out.

The embankment at the Cape Elizabeth and of the P. S. & P. R.R.  bridge was somewhat washed, but workmen were immediately set at work, and the bridge will be entirely safe for the passage of trains this morning.

About 10 o'clock the fire department was called by the burning of a lime shed near the head of Commercial Wharf.  It contained about 300 casks of lime, owned by Messrs. Perley & Russell, and the fire was caused by the water coming in contact with the lime.  About 200 casks were saved.

The cellars of many of the stores on Commercial street were filled, and no doubt considerable loss was sustained by damage to the goods stored in them.  Some of the cellars were pumped out by the engines.  The boilers and engine of the flour mill in Galt Block were no doubt some were injured by water.

The bath house and pleasure yacht of Col. John Goddard, at Cape Elizabeth, were completely destroyed.  One of the new barrick buildings at Fort Preble was blown down.

Since writing the above, we learn that the Grand Trunk Bridge across Back Cove is perfectly safe for travel.

It is impossible to make any estimate of the loss to property occasion by the storm, it is divided among so many; but although things look bad, the actual loss in dollars and cents will be much less than would at first appear.

The scenery presented from the Cape Lights must have been  magnificent. Many of our citizens rode out yesterday, after the storm abated, to witness one of the grandest sights to be witnessed for a lifetime.


The Naval Expedition—In the midst of the storm of yesterday, one of the most noticeable features was the anxiety everywhere expressed as to the fate of the great Naval Expedition. Although we share this anxiety in a considerable extent, we think there is good ground for the belief that the flotilla escaped any weather so severe as was experienced in this vicinity. Severe storms have been experienced on the coast of Virginia, and the neighborhood, during the past week, and the departure of the fleet has been delayed on that account. Although it is probable that the fleet felt the blow, it by no means follows that it experienced the full strength of the storm, and we think that the gales of the South have been gradually working North, accumulating force in their progress, and that we have felt the “tail end” of the tempest which always gives a spiteful flourish. We by no means despair of receiving a good account of the Great Expedition.


NOVEMBER 5, 1861


Additional information as to the damage done by the gale on Saturday night was constantly coming in all day yesterday.  In Cambridge, the tide rose to within an inch of the dike on Mount Auburn street, any one place 70 feet of the dike was carried away.  The cellars in the neighborhood work overflowed.  In Cambridgeport, the lower part of Broadway was overflowed, making the navigation easy.  The tidy yesterday was unusually high, but fell rapidly.  In Salem, hundreds of cords of wood and bark were swept off from the wharves.  The tanners also suffered much from the overflowing of their yards and the carrying away a hides.  This South Riding Branch Railroad was also overflowed in many places, and gravel washed away by the cart-load.  The track of the eastern railroad running over Hampton Marshes, was so damaged that no train ran yesterday to Portsmouth and Portland.  It was found it necessary to repair four miles of the road at this part.  Between Boston and Lynn, also, some damage was done, but not so much but that it was repaired in season for the trains yesterday.  The Saugus Branch Railroad was somewhat injured, but the trains were not detained in consequence.  The regiments encamped in tents in this vicinity, founded their stakes pulled up without the usual preliminary of marching orders.  At Lynnfield, fourteen of the tents were unexpectedly struck, and the occupants turned out without prospect of relief.  At Readville, also, the tents were handled pretty roughly.  At Portland, Maine, the tide was higher than had been known for thirty-five years; Commercial street was flooded, cellars filled with water, and parts of bridges and wharves carried away.  Two of the bridges were rendered impassable.  The damage to shipping, however, was comparatively slight.  A laden lumber schooner for Boston broke her moorings and ran into Long wharf, staving her port so that she filled. Capt. Ben Millard lost his yacht Nellie, formerly of Boston, which was run into and sunk by the schooner Echo.  It is reported to the ship is ashore on the Cape, but nothing definite is known.  In Portsmouth the wharves were considerably damage, and a large quantity of wood and number was carried away.  Nothing was harmed at the Navy-Yard.  At Lynn, quantities of sand and gravel were swept off the beach, and the bankings on the ocean side of some estates were destroyed.  The Beach street causeway was overflowed, and the fence destroyed.  All through the city, trees and fences were torn up.  The wharves were all more less damage, and quantities of wood and lumber or afloat.  In Charlestown, 300 bushels of grain in the mills at the mill-pond were destroyed.  In East Bridgewater the steeple at the Methodist church was blown down and lighted, pointed-down, on the

roof, crashing through roof and ceiling, the end of finally coming to rest on the window-seat.  At New Bedford no great damage was done, although the storm was very severe.  The steamer Water-Spout broke from her moorings and sank near the bridge.

A list of the wrecks reported yesterday will be found in our Marine Journal.  Nine bodies were recovered yesterday, and brought up to this city.  The pilot boat Coquette brought up the bodies of two women, one apparently about 18, the other 50 years old; they were found on Light-house Island.  Three were reported on Calf Island, one that of a woman.  Three bodies were brought up from Great Brewster, and one from Light-house Island--than two of the man and two women.  One of the men had on his person a draft for £18 on the Oriental Bank Corporation, in favor of Mr. Louis Boget. Mr. Barker, keeper of the Boston Light, is constantly on the watch for others.

Considerable damage has been done among the small vessels in Gloucester harbor by shaking.  In Provincetown, a number of mackerel fishermen drifted ashore or came into collision, doing each other a good deal of damage.  If the wind had continued until high tide, the destruction of property would have immense, as all the wharves must have been swept clean.  No disasters on the back of the Cape have been heard of.


Incendiary Fires--The Neptune House in Chelsea was burned to the ground on Sunday afternoon.  An attempt to burn it had been made early in the afternoon, but it was discovered and extinguished.  At half-past six, however, it was again discovered to be on fire, and was entirely destroyed, with all the out buildings, as no proper means for saving it were on hand.  The house was the property of Ephraim Hayes of the Merchants' Hotel, and was valued at $10,000, partially insured.  A small stock of furniture and some liquors were also lost.  During the fire, Mr. Hayes and a friend with him got into a fray with a party of rowdies, and Mr. Hayes receive a stab in the neck.

At about 3 o'clock yesterday morning this table connected with Fowler & Higgins's lumberyard, in Medford, was discovered to be on fire.  Engine No. 3 was speedily on hand, also the new steam fire engine, and the fire was promptly extinguished.  The foreman of engine No. 3, Mr. Melville Richards, entered the building and some of the burning timbers fell upon him.  Before he could be rescued he died of suffocation.  Mr. Richards was a member of the Fifth Regiment, and was wounded at Bull Run.  He was a single man but had a mother and sister depending upon him for support.

NOVEMBER 6, 1861

We often hear complaints that so little has been done in this war so far.  The war has been going on now for seven months, says a shallow observer, and the government has scarcely yet made an impression on the South.  With men to be had almost by the million, and money by the hundred millions, with the whole of the naval and commercial marine of the United States, we are told that it has not yet effected any positive success against the rebellion.  It passes for nothing that when the war broke out it found our government paralyzed by the treasons, active and passive, of Mr. Buchanan's administration.  It passes for nothing that the earlier months of the war had to be spent in getting together ships and arms which have been scattered by secessionist when in power; that an army had to be created out of raw recruits, that the very government itself had to be reconstructed, and that all these operations were performed in spite of unexampled the difficulties, with such celerity as has not yet ceased to be a wonder.  All this passes for nothing, and it is still insisted that no real progress hasn't made in crushing the rebellion.

Considering what our means were for carrying on a war last spring, it appears to me that it is a good seasons work even to have prepared the apparatus for subduing the rebellion.  We maintain, however, that besides this some most substantial work has been done.  Leaving of view all naval expeditions and all possible movements on the Potomac, we claim that if the campaign of 1861 were to close today, it would have some most valuable results to show.  Take the border States for example. On the 19th of April Maryland was virtually lost to the Union, she had become hostile territory almost as much as Virginia, our troops were murdered on her soil, and she was prepared to become an accessory to the destruction of the capital. Today she is at least harmless, a large part of her population are now actively loyal, and even the disloyal are forced to be quiet and to suffer any corporal’s guard to pass in peace, if it be in the name of the United States. Western Virginia also in the past few months has been occupied, purified and secured for the Union beyond the chances of war. Kentucky has also professed to be loyal and, we believe, intended to be so, and yet she would have risen in arms last spring had federal troops entered upon her soil, and would have been as much lost as Tennessee. Today she begs for the assistance of the government and welcomes the soldiers from the other side of the Ohio. Her young men do not respond so quickly to the call for volunteers as they should, though her show is still creditable, but yet we call it a glorious season’s work to have converted such a State, so powerful, so generous and so noble, even to passive loyalty, remembering her dangerous neutrality of last spring. And finally a hard season’s fight now promises to leave government in almost undisputed possession of Missouri, with a regenerated State government and prospects of most cheering aspect for the future.

If this were the whole, it would still seem to us a most important series of successes, to be effected with a half-disorganized government against a rebellion which had the start by five months—nay, by thirty years. But this is not the whole, nor, as it seems to us, the principal part of what has been done. We have established a blockade along the whole southern coast, which is vindicating itself not only against the South, but against all the world. We have shut up a year’s crops at the South, and have done it so thoroughly that Europe, with the strongest interest to open the ports, confesses itself unable to find a flaw in our proceedings. The South has been compelled by our success to abandon its hope of forcing its crop into the market, and finds its whole

financial system cut up by the roots. Moreover, the South, at the close of the season confesses that it is in a state of extreme exhaustion. It has no currency, its trade is dead, its agriculture stands still, its government cannot help the people, and the people cannot lend to the government. Describe the case of the South in as gloomy terms as we will, we cannot surpass the picture of distress and apprehension for the future, which is drawn by the Secession papers of the South at this moment, whether they are printed at Richmond, at New Orleans, or at Memphis.

It is an achievement of vast consequence to have thus overturned the fundamental scheme of the enemy, and to have reduced them to such a state of financial disorder and embarrassment. This has been done, however, in a manner which is in itself a triumph. The government has gone through the struggle of seven months, and is only now beginning to understand what its resources really are. Its credit has risen as the war has proceeded, it can raise its fifty millions now where a tenth of that sum was hard to obtain last spring, the people are beginning to really understand that the government is financially good, an to act upon the knowledge, so that while the end of the season finds the rebels weak and poor, it finds the government, on the other hand, stronger than ever. It appears to us that these are results of the very first importance, and if there were nothing more to expect from this campaign—instead of the grand results which we have a right to look for—there would still be no cause for the foolish sneer that the government has accomplished nothing.


The Resources of the Country--The New York Journal of Commerce of yesterday, a careful and not over-sanguine paper, makes the following remarks on the financial prospect of the government, for the year 1862--

“For the coming year, if the war is to continue on the same scale, at least four hundred millions more will be required.  If the imports should not increase so as to turn the exchange against us, a large part of this could be raised in our own country, as it would then all be expended here.  If the imports should largely increase so as to drain our gold, it could then be raised abroad, as we can borrow any amount in Europe if we will only take the products of their industry in payment.  In either case, therefore, if the expenditures should be authorized by Congress, and that people be determined upon supporting it, there will be much less difficulty in procuring the means than what had been supposed possible one year ago.”


Since the interruption of the guano trade with the United States, the proprietors of the islands in the Pacific had commenced sending cargoes to Australia.

The brig John H. Jones has been chartered by the American Colonization Society, and is now at New York receiving passengers and freight for Liberia.  About forty colored immigrants have already secured berths.  The Liberian colonization movement is effective somewhat by the new exodus to Hayti, but far less than was expected. The Haytien immigrants are mostly of a class that has never been reached by the friendly appeals of the American Colonization Society.

The commerce of the Connecticut river is now in nearly all carried on by sailing vessels, the Government having bought or chartered most of the steamed craft.


NOVEMBER 7, 1861



Notwithstanding the many confident assurances of the rebel agents in Europe that England and France would soon unite in an effort to break the blockade, the people in Cottondom begin to regard the prospect of such an event as altogether shadowy and devoid of consolation. The gay and festive emissaries whoa re wearing good clothes and frolicking in foreign capitals view the “position” through rose-colored spectacles. There is no reason why they should not. As long as they can dazzle the eyes of the confederates with even the most thin-shelled of splendid expectations, they can pursue their little sports and recreations with full stomachs . . .

But the rebels at home take a more practical view of the matter. They are shut up to the solemn contemplation of the disagreeable fact that there is a blockade, and, while they see it, they can no m ore see their way through it than they could when Mr. Yancey sent home his first jubilant bulletin. The New Orleans Crescent says any hope of foreign intervention at present is an “ignis fatuus.”3 The Delta agrees in this position, and thinks the planters might as well give up raising cotton for the present, and devote themselves to corn. The Memphis Appeal says: “The opinion is very generally expressed that patriotic duty, wise policy and benevolent feeling, all require the planter for the coming year to abandon the planting of cotton for that of corn, wheat, potatoes and other necessities of life.”

Such expressions of opinions as these are common in all the leading Southern journals. The blockade has led them to a discovery, which is like gall and wormwood. They are not as much given to prating of their idol, King Cotton, as they were a year ago, but they dolefully admit the greater significance of hog and hominy.

The course pursued by the planters and encouraged by the rebel authorities, in retaining the cotton on the plantations, for fear of its seizure by our expeditions if sent to any of the ports, has not been without its effects abroad. English commercial writers have roundly denounced this attempt to embroil England with the United States, by offering her cotton only at the price of war. What object is there, they say, in attempting to break up the blockade, so long as it is n o greater an obstacle to the shipment of cotton than the embargo laid by the rebels themselves? They recognize the shrewdness of the operation, so far as the rebels are concerned, but do not relish its application to themselves. So this stroke of Confederate policy is not likely to amount to much at present.

Meanwhile, the blockade is growing more and more stringent every day, and the sufferings of the rebels are constantly becoming acuter. Notwithstanding the good crops in the South, the prices of cereals are reported by the New Orleans papers as advancing to exorbitant figures.  The people will perhaps not suffer for the necessaries of life, but their melancholy gays will rest upon their console piles of cotton, and somberness will pervade their breasts at the thought of the delicacies that might purchase; and they will sigh, and cursed the blockade, and sigh again.

Exodus of Slavery--Slavery is vanishing from Missouri more rapidly even than its enemies predicted.  Secession has made the State too hot for the institution, and secessionists are daily leaving the State for the South, with their slaves, to escape the very dangers they themselves madly incited and provoked.  We argued, six months ago, that secession, or attempted secession in Missouri, would overthrow slavery in the State, and hurry the institution to its doom.  But the secessionists would not listen to us.  They are now verifying our predictions by fleeing with their slaves from the consequences of their own folly. –St. Louis News.

Probable Loss of a Sloop--the New Haven palladium states that the sloop Joseph A. Smith, of New London, Capt. Jason L. Ryan, sailed from Millstone Point some days since loaded with stone, and bound for New York, since which nothing has been heard from her.  Another vessel has gone to New York since that time, laden in the same way, discharged her cargo and returned in safety.  It is feared that Capt. Ryan and sloop are lost.  For several years he ran between a New London and Sag Harbor, but stopped when the steamboats commands running.  He has since been engaged in the coasting trade, and is well known along shore.  The J.A. Smith has made numerous trips to the city lately, with stone, and your captain and crew were well known here.

The Fire at Montville on Tuesday night destroyed the tenement owned and occupied by James Turner.  The lower story was a occupied as a store, and the upper story was the residence of Mr. Turner and his family.  The whole family were at the concert in New London, winds Mr. Turner return at about 11½ o'clock to find the upper story in flames.  He immediately went to work removing the goods from the store, finding in course of the work that the money drawer have been propped up all that contained--a few dollars in change.  The building was entirely consumed, and nothing saved except a portion of the goods in the store.  The fire was undoubtedly of incendiary origin.  The building and the goods in the store or insured for $2,200 in the Etna office of Hartford.  The furniture, etc., of the house was insured for $1,000 in the New London County Mutual Insurance office of this city.  The insurance will probably cover the loss.

The Exchange of Prisoners

Philadelphia, Oct. 6--Lieut. Kurtz of the U. S. Navy, whose arrival at Washington from Richmond on his parole of honor, has been previously noticed, is now stopping in this city.  His parole, which is for fifty days, was obtained chiefly through the intercession of ex-Senator Mallory, after enduring for several weeks, in company with a fellow prisoner, Lieut. Selden, also of the Navy, the horrors of a Richmond jail.

The chief object of the rebel authorities for granting his parole was to obtain Lieut. Kurtz's influence with the Washington Cabinet to arrange for an exchange of prisoners, including himself, and it is understood that he has so far enlisted the sympathies of the government by his description of the ill treatment of the Federal prisoners as to have received from Secretary Seward and Secretary Welles, as well as the President, the assurance that the Cabinet would give them after the deepest consideration without delay, with the prospect of succeeding in effecting some amicable arrangement which will meet the views of the rebels, and at the same time preserve the dignity of the government.

Lieut. Kurtz will probably be exchanged with a Dr. Sharp, now prisoner at Fort McHenry.

NOVEMBER 8, 1861

It is well to weigh in the scales of common sense would ever stories are floating about the streets, at all times; it is particularly well, in these times of war and rumors, to be on guard against the tricks of practical jokers, stock-jobbers, etc.  The New York Independent of this week says:

“Just as we are going to press, we receive a most important piece of information from a reliable source.  It is nothing less than the expressed conviction of Mr. Seward that the Government cannot succeed in this war; that the Confederacy will probably be recognized by the European powers; and that peace will be the result in sixty days.  In view of this Thurlow Weed has been sent to England, and if he shall find the British Ministry determined to recognize the Confederacy, the Administration here without once prepare for peace.  It was to pave the way for this that the discouraging report of Adjutant-General Thomas was allowed to be published.  We haveat this late hour to remark on this information, except to say that, if entirely correct (as we are positively assured), it was simply break down the Administration and destroy the country.”

The above is a mere canard; there's no truth in it; and it is only part and parcel of a systematic attack upon the character of William H. Seward, traces of which have been apparent in this community for a week or ten days past.  Men will tell you, in an imposing way, that Seward drinks, excessively; that his intellect is failing; that his star is bound to go down, and that suddenly.  The story comes from various sources; but all bear marks of the same parentage; there is a stealthy malice, as well as system about the matter, that looks very much as if somebody wanted to kill off a Presidential rival.  Let us all beware of being made the unconscious tools of designing men.  Certain moralists are exceedingly indulgent to the failings of great man, so long is their interests lead them to wink; and only discover private enormities at moments convenient for themselves.


The New York World professes to have "the best authority" for announcing that Port Royal and Beaufort are the points for which our naval expedition is destined.  If the squadron went into Bull's Bay it was probably only to set things to rights, after the storm.  It is known that the fleet had rough weather; but it is not fought any serious loss occurred.  Doubtless the men suffered from seasickness and from being crowded into close quarters. The Connecticut Sixth and Seventh regiments are under Brigadier General Horatio Gates Wright, an auspicious name.  The intention is to make a settlement, on the Island of Port Royal, from which is a base the army can be here after pushed into the seven country.  There is not likely to be any fighting of much consequence done immediately.  The troops will have to work and drill and acclimate, for some months, before they will be called upon to fight.


Pencil Sharpeners--A correspondent has tested, and found to work well the following method of giving a good point to lead pencil: take a piece of coarse sand-paper, and cut into squares of 1½ inch; fold each piece in the middle with the stand inward; cut down the bulk of the wood of the pencil point, and then take three or four of the folded piece is between palm and first finger.  A pencil among the leaves, and you can produce a finer point than with any pencil sharpener now in use.


A dispatch from St. Louis, last evening says that the army at Springfield was quiet and in good spirits on Wednesday, that there was no enemy, or the Gen. Hunter had no expectation of a battle at present.  It is possible that the big stories received the past two days, of an immense force of the enemy be near Springfield, and about to give battle to Fremont, were made up a whole cloth, and for that effect.  Such is the belief that Washington.

The coal dealers of Washington have raised the price of coal to ten dollars per ton in consequence of the closing of the Potomac.  The Pennsylvania dealers say that they can deliver coal and Washington, via Baltimore, and furnish it to consumers at $4.

Mr. Robert J. Walker expresses the opinion that the war will be terminated this winter--that it will substantially and with the present campaign.  The fiscal condition of the confederate government cannot, as he supposes, enable it to maintain a war for another year.  The loan of two hundred and fifty millions of dollars authorized by Congress and the late session will probably be obtained and expended by the first of January next.

During the seven months ending October 31, 1861, thirty-six thousand men were shipped for the navy at the various rendezvous in the states, and twelve thousand recruits were enlisted for the regular army.

Thirty-nine out of forty officers favored Gen. McClellan taking command of the army without regard to precedence for rank.

A gang of one hundred Negro wood-choppers passed over into Virginia Tuesday morning to cut wood for the army.  They were comfortably prepared to camp out, and as they passed along there were singing, merrily, "We are bound for Dixie."

William Holmes of East Becket, Mass., has a Durham cow which is given birth to five heifer calves within less than eleven months; two at the first birth and three at the next, all of which are doing well.

The Richmond Examiner learns that the office of the confederate produce loan is very much burdened with letters from the planters, suggesting and requiring modes of relief under the conditions of their subscriptions to the government.  Nearly all these letters give the same account of the necessities of the planting interest, and hold out the certain prospect of large additions to the subscriptions to the loan, in case of the government making small advances suitable to the actual necessities of the planters.


NOVEMBER 9, 1861


No official information has been received from the fleet, and that we have some reports, chiefly from rebel sources, which are quite vague and somewhat contradictory.  The fleet is said to have entered Port Royal, S. C., and begun to bombard the defenses of the place.  One account states that the land force had disembarked, but this is by no means certain two small steam transports are said to have been wrecked on the North Carolina coast by the gale, and that 75 men were taken prisoners and sent to Raleigh.  We may expect reliable information soon.

Port Royal is said to have the best channel and harbor below Norfolk.  The Coast Survey report says it has more than 20 feet of water in the shallowest places, from the outer bar to Beaufort.  The harbor is capacious, and has long been held to be superior, either to Charleston or Savannah.  Beaufort is a small town, and easily defended from the sea, within ten miles of the Charleston and Savannah railroad, twenty-five miles or so from Savannah, and fifty or sixty from Charleston.  A strong force at Beaufort would thus threaten both of those cities on the side unprotected by the forts, while the possession of Beaufort and Port Royal channel would alone give a rendezvous of vast importance to the blockading fleet.  The rebels have erected a small fort, intended to command the roads, but it will be strange if our twenty ships-of-war do not demolish them in short order. Capt. Tatnall, late of the U.S. Navy, is said to be in command of the rebels.


Confederate Emissaries--It is rumored that Mason and Slidell, the new rebel ambassadors, are authorized to grant almost anything that England and France may ask, even to the extent of a protectorate over the confederate states, and if nothing else will do, the perspective emancipation of the slaves.


Stringent Legislation--Rev. Wm. S. Balch of Ludlow has introduced a bill into the Vermont legislature which confiscates all intoxicating liquor is brought into the state of Vermont.  All packages of liquor found in the hands of railroad corporations, or other common carriers, are to be seized by the government.  If pure, it goes to town agents; if impure, it is destroyed.  There is a prospect of its being passed.  This is the most stringent prohibit or law ever introduced.


Wants of the Sick--We have been reminded that while great and praiseworthy efforts are now directed to the supply of socks, blankets and under garments for our soldiers in the field, there is danger that some of the wants of the sick and wounded may be overlooked.  We have been desired to call attention to this matter and to suggest that there is and will be need of bandages and proper material from which they can be made.  Persons who may have old sheets or pillow-cases or worn-out cotton or linen cloth and we'll leave it at the office of the Gas Light Company marked "For Hospital Use," maybe sure of rendering timely service to the common cause.


Sudden Death--We learn that Mrs. Lorana M., wife of H. A. Hildreth, wire worker on Central street, died very suddenly this morning of quick consumption.  She was about 32 years of age, and had been sick but about 8 weeks.  She leaves no children.  Her remains will be taken to Clinton, Me., for interment.

The funeral will take place at 12½ o'clock to-morrow, from his residence, No. 14 central street.  Relatives and friends are invited to attend.

Police Court--This before noon Thomas Dunn, for larceny of cigars, was fined $1.00 and costs.  Nancy Holland, for keeping and noisy and disorderly house, was ordered to the Superior Court.  Rufus Wilkins, for an assault upon Phanuel Flanders, was fined $5 and costs, from which he appealed.  It all arose out of a dog fight.  Better killed both dogs.  Lawrence Tighe, for keeping a dog without license, paid costs and got his dog licensed.  Patrick Connors, for an assault on his wife, was fined $1.00 and costs, and ordered to keep the peace for six months.


City Draft for October--The whole amount of the city draft for the month of October, payable on the 10th inst., is $8,204.91, charged to the different appropriations as follows: schools, $113.49; schoolhouses, $8.00; police, $3,202.52; streets, $1,043.59; paupers, $1,227.31; lighting, $431.40; fire department, $364.88; printing, $156.75; water-pipe, $20.83; interest, $1,636.14.  Besides this the firemen's time pay for six months, amounting to $4,612.01, is payable at the same time--making the total draft to be paid for the month of October $12,816.92.


From Missouri--A dispatch from Cairo, Ill., of the seventh, reports that an expedition under Generals Grant and McClernand , with five Illinois and Iowa regiments, left Cairo the previous night and landed at Belmont, Mo., three miles above Columbus, early yesterday morning.  The dispatch says--

The Federal troops, numbering 3500, engage the rebels, 7000 strong at 11 o'clock.  The battle lasted until sundown.  The rebels were driven from their entrenchments across the river, with great loss; their camp was burnt, and their stores, with all their baggage, cannon, horses and mules, and one hundred prisoners taken.  The federal troops and then retired, the rebels having received reinforcements from Columbus, Ky.  Both generals had their forces shot under them. Col. Dougherty of Illinois was wounded and taken prisoner.  The rebel loss is unknown.  The Federal loss is believed to be from 300 to 500.

They later dispatch gives further particulars:

After taking possession of the rebel camp it was discovered that the rebels were crossing over from Kentucky for the purpose of attacking us in the rear, and in order was given to return to the boats.  Our men were then attacked by reinforcements of several thousands from Columbus.  Another severe engagement took place, in which our troops suffered severely.  Are lost, so far as is ascertained, is as follows; 30th Illinois regiment, 160 missing, Maj. McClerken wounded and taken prisoner; 21st, 140 missing. Col. Buford's regiment returned too late to obtain any particulars. Col. Dougherty is reported a prisoner, and Col. Lyman is reported dangerously blended.  Taylor's battery lost one gun.  We have taken 250 prisoners, a number of whom are winded.  The number of rebels killed was 300.  The ground was completely strewn with their dead bodies.  The rebel Col. Wright of the 13th Tennessee regiment was killed. Gen. Cheatham commanded the rebels, Polk being at Columbus.  It is stated that Gen. Johnson was wounded.  The gunboats rendered efficient service in covering our retreat, mowing down the rebels with great, but killing some of our own men.

A flag of truce left Cairo this morning, with 40 or 50 wounded rebels.

1 Sleep-walker.

2 “bow of promise” is a rainbow.

3 Lit. “foolish fire,” referring to a light that sometimes appears at night o ver marshy or swampy ground, as the gas from decomposed plant matter combusts. The meaning here is “will-o’-the wisp” or “a deceptive hope.”

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