MAY 12, 1861


No Division

The Wheeling conventionists receive cold comfort from the New York Evening Post.  That paper says:

The people of western Virginia are Union men, and they propose to secede from the seceders of the eastern part of the state, in order to remain in the Union.  But this nation has declared its determination to maintain the Union as it is, and to put down for all time the political heresy called “right of secession” and it is neither wise nor prudent for the western Virginians to imitate the pernicious acts of the Richmond traitors.  We want their aid as Virginians.  We and they are to keep Virginia in the Union.  And they only weaken the cause of the Union when they propose secession themselves.

If they are not strong enough to maintain themselves in Virginia, the government will send them as much help as they need.  But they are Virginians - - they form the wealthiest and most populous portion of the state, and they must remain in the state.

The Union is sacred and indivisible; “secession” is rebellion, seceders are traitors, and it is rebellion and treason which we are now putting down.  Let not the Union men of western Virginia do evil in the hope that good may come.  The Union wants no “new Virginia” but it wants their help by vote and sword if necessary, to keep the old Virginia faithful to the Union which she did so much to defend.

The military enthusiasm in the glorious old state runs from east to west from north to south.  There is but one sentiment, and that was uttered by the cold dead lips of the Sage of Monticello - - “Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.”

How They Say They Mean to Do it

Parties in Chicago are preparing gun-boats, with a view to command the Mississippi river. One of the Solomons says:

We learn that nearly all the tugs in this city can pass the canal locks. They are just the thing for gun-boats. A Mississippi steamer would have no more chance against these boats than a balloon frame building would against Gibraltar.

Matters in New York

From the journals of the 6th we extract the following items:

Warlike movements are progressing actively in Washington.  Troops are rapidly moved to different points in the vicinity.  It is thought that the government is about to take possession of Norfolk, Portsmouth, Harper’s Ferry and Richmond, without delay.

MORE GUN BOATS--The government has purchased Capt. Dagroots propellers Resolute and Reliance, and are now engaged in fitting them out as gun-boats.  They will mount two 32-pounders on pivots, one forward and another aft.  They will be each commanded by a lieutenant in the United States navy, and will carry twenty-four men each.  These boats will be ready by Thursday next, and will then join the blockading squadron off the coast of Virginia and North Carolina.  These boats are without doubt the fastest vessels of their class in the country, and are well calculated for the service for which they have been purchased.  They draw but little water, and yet are beautiful sea-boats.  They are very powerful and capable of towing one of our heaviest war vessels with the greatest of ease.

GOVERNMENT SHIP-BUILDING--We learn from good authority that the government is preparing plans with a view to building several light-draught war vessels.  Where they are to be built, or in fact anything definite in relate to them, has not yet transpired.  But in the course of a few days there can be no doubt that several keels will be laid, either in some of the navy-yards or ship-yards of New York.

Harper’s Weekly

Some of our exchanges denounce the recent and fanatical crusade of Harper’s Weekly against the south in unmeasured terms.  Its late course, preaching invasion, servile insurrection, subjugation and the laying in ashes of cities, consigns it to the everlasting contempt and dislike of its former patrons in this section.

MAY 13, 1861


Conflict in Missouri

Whilst attention was chiefly directed to operations at and near Washington, startling intelligence came, on Saturday, of a serious conflict of arms in Missouri resulting in the capture of eight hundred men, acting under the guise of state militia, but really in active sympathy with the rebels.

It appears that on Friday Gen. Frost, at the head of 800 rebel troops, was encamped just outside of St. Louis, at Camp Jackson.  Capt. Lyon, in command of some six thousand volunteers, marched out and surrounded this camp, when, on demand, the whole eight hundred surrendered, laid down their arms, and were brought into the city as prisoners of water.  Release was tendered to the captives, on parole, on condition of their taking oath not to take up arms again against the United States.  This was declined.  As the troops were drawn up to march into the city, missiles were thrown and several shots fired from the surrounding crowd.  One shot took effect in the leg of a captain of volunteers, who gave the order to fire, which was obeyed by two of three companies, resulting in the killing of twenty or more persons, including two women, several children and wounding others.

            Further accounts from St. Louis represent the city as greatly excited.   Mob violence was threatened against the loyal newspaper offices, and further trouble was anticipated.  Gen. Frost, who figures in this affair, is presumed to be the same officer who led the late expedition against Capt. Montgomery on the Kansas border, but failed to find any enemy to fight.

            Later advices from St. Louis state that the United States troops were still in possession of Camp Jackson, having all the equipage, tents and provisions.  The Pacific and North railroads were also in possession of the loyal troops.  Great excitement prevailed in the city, but the military and police were effective in maintaining order.  Gen. Harney arrived on Saturday and is in command of the federal troops.  Gen. Frost’s brigade was released, the men taking an oath not to bear arms against the United States during the war.

Hospital Nurses for the War

Miss D. L. Dix, widely known for her humane labors in behalf of the sick and unfortunate, had tendered to the war department her services to aid in military hospitals in taking care of the sick and wounded soldiers, and also to aid the chief surgeons in supplying nurses and substantial means for the relief and comfort of the suffering.  This generous offer of Miss Dix has been officially accepted by Secretary Cameroa, who announce that she is authorized to receive, control and disburse special supplied bestowed by individuals or association for the comfort of their friends.  Miss Dix is also authorized to communicate with ladies who like herself, propose to render free service as nurses, and they are requested to send forward their names, their ages - - whether below or above thirty years - - their places of residence, and at the same time indicate the period for which they determine to devote themselves to this service.

War Appropriations

The war appropriations of the free states, thus far, amount to more than twenty-five millions of dollars.  Pennsylvania has appropriated $3,500,000; New York and Ohio have each give $3,000,000; Connecticut and New Jersey each $2,000,000; Illinois $3,500,000; Maine $1,300,000; Vermont $1,000,000; Wisconsin and Rhode Island $500,000; Iowa $100,000. The contributions of the principal cities are:  New York, $2,173,000; Philadelphia, $330,000; Boston, $186,000; Brooklyn, $75,000; Buffalo, $110,000; Cincinnati, $280,000; Detroit, $50,000; Hartford, $64,000. 



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MAY 14, 1861


Reports from Harper’s Ferry

Preparations indicate that the federal government is getting ready for a contest at Harper’s Ferry.  The rebels are said to have planted forty cannon there.

Fifteen hundred Alabama troops with twenty cannon landed Sunday night at Manassas Junction, en route to Harper’s Ferry.

A person employed on special service visited Harper’s Ferry last week, and returned to Chambersburg Monday.  He reports that the number of rebel troops is 6000 altogether.  About three-fourths of them are well armed, the balance not armed at all.  Only 200 Kentuckians are there now, and one company of South Carolinians.  Their resident militia of Harper’s Ferry is very restive under existing circumstances.  Only one days provisions were on hand.  All supplies are cut off from western Virginia by the people of that section.  The supplies within reach, in the surrounding country, must be exhausted within two weeks.  Positively not more than 1000 stand of arms were found in the wreck of the arsenal, and some of these in bad condition.  The revels cannot manufacture more than twelve rifles per day.  They have only 600 men on the Maryland side of the Potomac. No batteries have been erected on this side, and the rebels show no disposition to erect them.  All their preparations indicated defensive purposes, with no disposition for forward movements.  They must soon retreat of be provisioned. This, however, does not contradict the probably advance of the main confederate army by that route on southern Pennsylvania, when Jeff Davis discovers the impossibility of breaking Scott’s lines around Washington.

Free Sailors Held as Slaves

The white portion of the crew of the Star of the West, captured by the Texas rebels, have arrived at Chicago.  They state that three colored sailors on the Star, all free men, were taken by the leaders at Montgomery, put up at auction the same day, sold and hurried into slavery.  AS soon as they arrive at Montgomery these unfortunate men were seized, not allowed a word of defense, and hurried off like cattle into the interior, under the tender mercies of the slave-driver.  One of these was Levi Mann, aged about 50, and the other Walter Goodyear, about 30, having families in New York city.  The motive alleged for depriving them of their liberty was as dirty and sordid as the act was atrociously tyrannical - - the poor fellows were sold to defray the expense of sending out to the free states the rest of the crew, when it was found that they could not be bribed to enter the rebel service.  The men thus deprived of freedom were in the service of the United States.  Looking at this act in its relation to the laws of war, it is as flagrant a violation of them as to have made slaves of white members of the crew.           

Military Occupation of Baltimore

About 8 o’clock Monday evening, a large train filled with federal troops arrived at the outer depot, from the Relay House, containing five companies from each of the regiments stationed at the Relay - - the 6th Massachusetts and 8th New York, (about 100 men in all), with a battery of artillery.  They marched through South Baltimore to Federal Hill, a high point of ground on the south side of the harbors, directly overlooking the city an one mile west of Fort McHenry.  The sudden appearance of these troops took the citizens by surprise.  They were, however, greeted with every demonstration of approval.  An immense crowd quietly gathered, cheering at every step.  Ladies waved their handkerchiefs; many brought lamps and candles to their windows.

   Prominent citizens accompanied the troops to the Hill and assisted the officers in taking the best route and procuring quarters for them until tents could arrive.  The troops seemed to be highly pleased with their reception, and all expressed delight and surprise at the commanding position and fine prospect.

Pirates Captured on Long Island Sound

   Two of Jeff Davis’ privateers were captured by a federal frigate, Saturday, between Gardner’s Island and Montauk, after three hours’ cannonading.  They were towed into port Saturday night.

Two Days Battle in South America

The steamer North Star, at New York, Sunday, brings Panama papers of the 4th inst.

Gen Gutierrez has gained a victory of the government forces an Tunja, New Granada.  The battle lasted two days.  The government forces lost 400 killed, among them Gen. Canal, 600 prisoners and a large amount of artillery.  Gen. Agoria escaped with 80 men, more or less.  Senor Caivo is now acting president of the republic.  Advices generally are favorable to the revolutionary party.

Capt. Clapp, an American, had been arrested at Aspinwall, on the supposition that he might be engaged by the revolutionary party.  He was released on demand of the American consul.


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MAY 15, 1861


Obstructions in the Way of the Government

The Albany Evening Journal, whose editor has opportunities to know the course of events at Washington, thus enumerates some of the obstructions met with by the new administration in its effort to save what remained of the government from utter wreck: -- “No one can realize the amount of embarrassment which the government has encountered from the necessity of entrusting the execution of its orders to an army and navy almost half demoralized by officers of treasonable sympathies.  When it was decided to employ troops for the defense of the capital, staff officers, after remaining long enough in the war department to acquire as much knowledge as possible of the details, resigned, to carry that knowledge into the camp of the enemy!  When Norfolk navy yard was found to be in danger, orders were dispatched from the navy department to have all the vessels taken out.  Officers at the yard, secretly sympathizing with secession, first prevented the execution of the orders, on the ground that it was not necessary, and then resigned.  The navy department, on being apprised of this, instantly sent Commodore Paulding down to save the property.  But it was then too late.  All that could then be done was to destroy it, to prevent its falling into the hands of the secessionists, and that he did effectually.  When the seventh regiment and the Massachusetts troops arrived at Annapolis, the capital was almost defenseless.  A quartermaster was ordered to go to Annapolis from Washington to hasten their march.  He went, as was supposed, to execute his mission, but, instead of bringing in the desired reinforcements, coolly, at his leisure, brought in his resignation!  When the river  steamboats were seized at Washington for government use, they were sent round to the navy yard to be armed for service.  Immediately on their arrival, every officer in the yard but one resigned, in order to stop the work!  These are but a few pages out of a whole volume of unwritten history.  At every step, for a while, the government was clogged and crippled by traitors, who drew their pay and affected loyalty so long as nothing was required of them, but who, at the critical moment when their services were wanted, deserted to the enemy.  But the active operations of the past few weeks, and the inexorable sternness with which every officer is stricken from the roll, and who, has any qualms about his duty, have purged the service.  The army and the navy, at last, are officered by men who are loyal to the flag, and who, when they receive orders, will execute them.  The whole of this experience on the part of the administration, gives additional illustrations on the utter lack of common honesty among those who would split the Union on a ‘point of honor.’ “

A Hundred Maine Lumbermen
Imprisoned in Virginia

More than a hundred lumbermen from Maine, in the employ of Mr. Spear of that state, have been seized on the eastern shore in Virginia and thrown into prison.  They were offered their freedom if they would enlist in the rebel army, and five accepted the offer, but the others are held as prisoners and treated with the greatest ignominy.  Mr. Spear owns some thousands of acres in Virginia, whence he obtains large quantities of ship timber.  Mr. Spear has laid the facts before the president and the secretary of war, and has offered to provide steamers if the government will send a force to recover his men, which he thinks can easily be done.  One of the men was a British Subject, and Gov. Letcher released him at the demand of Lord Lyons.

The Latest  News

The only important points in our foreign news by the Europa, are the probably sending of British war vessels to the gulf of Mexico, to defend John Bull’s commercial interests against the pirates licensed by the Montgomery congress; and the rumored downfall of the pope’s temporal power, through the connivance of the French emperor.


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MAY 16, 1861


The War News

On Monday an order was issued by General Scott to Gen. Butler, commanding the Maryland and Delaware Military district to invest Baltimore forthwith and to declare martial law.  Gen. Butler was further ordered to arrest Marshal Kane and Ross Winans, the millionaire, who has been engaged in the manufacture of war munitions for the rebels.  At 8 o’clock on Monday evening the order of Gen. Scott was carried into effect, and 1000 troops were marched into Baltimore from the Relay House.  On Tuesday Gen. Butler took full possession of Baltimore and proclaimed martial law. The city will hereafter be held by the Federal troops under military occupation.  Gen. Butler and staff dined in Baltimore on Tuesday, every courtesy being extended to them.

Ross Winans was arrested on Tuesday evening, by federal officers at the Relay House, for treason.  Gov. Hicks was in the cars and endeavored to have Winans release on security, but the officers refuse, and placed him under guard, telling him he would be well take care of.

Preparations for an effective blockade of the Virginia water having been completed, Capt. Pendergast has given 15 days’ notice for all vessels to leave the ports of that State.  Several of the Foreign Ministers have asked for an extension of time, but this has been refused, and the order will be impartially adhered to.

The President has issued a proclamation setting forth that Insurrection exists in the State of Florida, by which the lives, liberty and property of loyal citizens are endangered, and it is deemed proper that all needful measures should be taken for the protection of such citizens, and all officers of the United States, in the discharge of their public duties.  The President directs the Commander of the forces of the United States on the Florida coast to permit no person to exercise any office or authority upon the Islands of Key West, the Tortugas and Santa Rose, which may be inconsistent with the laws and Constitution of the United States; authorizing him at the same time, if he shall find it necessary, to suspend there the writ of habeas corpus, and to remove from the vicinity of the U.S. Fortresses all dangerous or suspected persons.

War Intelligence

The Navy Department has published the finding of the Court in the case of Capt. Wm. Armstrong, who surrendered the Pensacola Navy Yard to the secessionist, without having exercised due diligence for its preservation.  The Court finds him guilty of “Neglect of duty,” and of “disobedience of orders, and conduct unbecoming an officer,” and sentenced him to suspension from duty for five years, with the loss of pay for the first half of said term, and to be reprimanded by the Secretary of the Navy in General Orders.

The steam frigate Niagara, which sailed from New York on Sunday this week, with sealed orders, is destined for the blockade of Charleston harbor. She is well manned and equipped.  The Government continues to be overwhelmed with the offers of naval and land forces for service against the rebels.  Prominent men from all parts of the country are constantly visiting Washington for the purpose of tendering aid.  Over fifty vessels have already been offered from the New England States, to be armed and equipped at the owners’ expense.   Parties representing the owners of propellers navigating the northern lakes propose to bring their crafts down the St. Lawrence to the Atlantic shore, and assist in the blockade of the southern ports.


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MAY 17, 1861


Eight Hundred Secessionists
Taken Prisoner by the U.S. Forces.

St. Louis Mo. May 10--General Frost’s brigade of the Missouri militia, encamped at Camp Jackson, surrendered unconditionally this afternoon, on demand of Captain Lyon, commander of the United States forces in this city.  Captain Lyon marched on Camp Jackson with some 6000 volunteers, surrounded it, and planted eight field pieces on the surrounding eminences.

Captain Lyon sent the following letter to Gen. Frost:


To Gen. D.H. Frost Sir: Your command is regarded as evidently hostile toward the government of the United States; it is for the most part made up of those secessionists who have openly avowed their hostility to the general governments, and have been plotting at the seizure of its property and the overthrow of its authority.  You are openly in communication with the so called Southern Confederacy, which is now at war with the United States, and you are receiving at your camp for said Confederacy, under its flag, large supplies and materials of war, most of which are known to be the property of the United States.

These extraordinary preparations plainly indicate none other than well known purposes of the Governor of this State under whose orders you are acting and whose purpose was recently communicated to the Legislature, and has just been responded to by that body in most unparallel legislation, and having in a direct view hostilities to the General Government and co-operation with its enemies.  In view of these considerations and your failure to disperse, in obedience to the proclamation of the President, and of the eminent necessity of State policy and of the welfare and obligations imposed on me by instructions from Washington, it is my duty to demand, and I do hereby demand, of you an immediate surrender of your command with no other condition than that all the persons surrendering under this demand shall be humanely and kindly treated. . . .

            (signed)           N. Lyon

                                    (Captain Second Infantry)

It is understood that Frost says this letter was not received until his camp was surrounded.  He then replied that the encampment was organized under a law of the State simply for organizing and drilling the volunteer militia of this military district, and not expecting any demonstration, he was unprepared successfully to resist the attack; he therefore accepted the terms specified, and, surrendered his command, about eight hundred men being in camp and large number being in the city on leave; they then laid down their arms and were escorted to the city as prisoners of war.

Release on parole was tendered to the officers and troops, providing they took an oath not to take up arms against the United States government, which they declined on the ground that it implied that they had already taken up arms, which they disclaimed.

Important from Washington

Information having reached the Navy Department last night that several small vessels had been fired at from the Virginia shore, and an effort made to detain them by the Alexandria authorities, in order that their cargoes of fish instead of being brought to Washington should be secured for the use of the rebel troops, the Secretary promptly ordered the Pawnee to stop the lawless proceedings.

In addition to the National vessels, about twenty armed steamers from New York, Boston and Philadelphia, have been or are being put in readiness for blockading purposes.

Information has been received that the enlistment for the personnel of the Navy has been so successful that the necessary number will soon be supplied.

The Secretary of the Navy is assiduously hurrying forward the measures of blockade, and informs his friends that Charleston and Savannah will soon experience its effects.  The Niagara and other vessels will similarly operate at New Orleans.

A number of Naval officers who, during the panic, resigned their commissions, have applied to be reinstated.  Their appeals have been and continue to be disregarded.  Some officers, who long since honorably retired to private pursuits, have recently offered their services to the Government, and are placed on duty as Second Lieutenants, as no higher station under present circumstances can be assigned them.

Earnest efforts are made by the Navy Department to render the blockage effective in the shortest possible time.

 MAY 18, 1861


European Views of American Affairs

The position of the British government upon the American affairs can only be inferred from the declarations of its prime minister, but it has probably taken no exact position, because it awaits the unfolding of events, and full information regarding them.  The assertion of Lord John Russell in parliament, that the government will regard the confederate States as belligerents, and that naval force will be sent to the American coast for the protection of British shipping, indicate at least a wholesome distrust of Jeff Davis’s pirates.  Mr. Russell said also that the British government would respect the blockade of the southern ports, if effective, and that it would avoid all interference in the quarrel.  These declarations leave the whole matter as it should be, and preclude all fear of a controversy with England on account of the interruption of the cotton supply, which the London Times assumes to be a probably cause for war.  The Manchester Guardian, the organ of the cotton raisers, is wholly against any recognition of the southern confederacy and says: --

“Now whatever we may think of the government of Montgomery’s prospects of surmounting such efforts to put it down as President Lincoln seems capable of making, there can be no doubt that it is not yet beyond the reach of coercive measures which would be quite within the constitutional competence of the President to apply.  We might, doubtless display more alacrity in anticipating the final and complete triumph of the secessionists, if we had any reason for desiring it.  But we have none.  There is nothing in the origin, or avowed object, of the revolution which gives it a claim to exceptional regard.  It is wholly unprovoked by any irregularity in the election of Mr. Lincoln, by any abuse of power on his part since he came into office, or by any rational apprehension of danger to the property and institutions of the South from the policy of the administration.   Its declared purpose is to perpetuate and

extend the slaveholding system, and its promoters are suspected, on good grounds, of a strong desire if not a strong design, to use any considerable power of which they may hereafter become possessed, for the restoration of the foreign slave trade.  On none of these sins except the last, which is imputed to the Southern Confederation only, by reference or on the strength of rumor, have we any right to sit in judgment.  But we are fully justified in allowing our estimate of the moral character of the secession movement to weigh with us in determining whether we shall go before it with loving favor or put it to the proof of all its powers before we acknowledge its success.  Parliament will assuredly show no eagerness to go to meet a movement which the people of this country universally regard with disapproval and regret.”

The French made themselves very merry over the bomb playing at Charleston, and said, “those wonderful Yankees; they have invented a way of taking forts without hurting anybody!”  They call the war here “a very civil war.”  French sympathy is wholly with our government and against the rebels, and a new book by Gosparin, entitled “A Great People, who elevate themselves – the United States in 1861,” makes quite a sensation in Paris.  The author endeavors to show that the people of the United States, in electing Mr. Lincoln, have committed no fault, but on the contrary, they have raised themselves up; they have raised themselves on nobler and more civilized ground.  The election of Mr. Lincoln was an evidence that the higher morality and civilization of the country had taken fright and recoiled from the degradation into which the cotton interest was dragging them.  The Liverpool Courier has a curious article undertaking to show that the secession movement was instigated by Napoleon, with a view to the recovery of Louisiana and its re-annexation to the French crown.


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